That was one of the most wonderful evenings I have ever spent at choir! 💜

May 19th, 2021

434 days ago, I attended a wonderful Love Soul Choir session, not realising that would the last for some time. 434 days!

Choir moved online, and amazingly Dan was able to keep us on track with our learning for the year. Despite this, I missed the buzz of being in the same room as a group of wonderful, like-minded people and I felt my motivation waning.

Throughout the pandemic, I’ve found it harder and harder to be in the space with groups of people – the unpredictability of people moving around made me feel panicked and I’ve definitely been prone to the odd cry in a supermarket. Honestly, I would have preferred Zombies!!

So, when the time finally came for Love Soul Choir sessions to return, I was apprehensive. Dan’s reassurance and meticulous planning convinced me enough to give it a try and finally, on the 18th May, I tentatively arrived at our choir venue (albeit outside!)

I can hand on heart say, that was one of the most wonderful evenings I have ever spent at Love Soul Choir! 434 days away made me forget just how much better I always feel after going to choir. Dan’s planning paid off, and once I had ‘settled in’ I felt safe, calm and free. Shared distanced smiles and giggles with friends felt like a great big hug. Dan’s enthusiasm was honestly infectious, and I drove home feeling 10 times lighter and with a very large smile on my face!

Roll on next week!!

Fran Harper
(Bournemouth Member)

If you’d like to apply for an audition with Love Soul Choir, please visit the audition page on our website. Once you’ve sent your application to us, we’ll be in touch within a couple of days to schedule the time and place of your audition.


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