Singing in a choir is just brilliant for our wellbeing! 🧠

April 23rd, 2020

What a joy to be able to waffle on about one of the things in my life that brings me so much happiness. It makes sense to share a few of the reasons why…

A blog seems a far too formal terminology. I think I would prefer to call it a ‘Spluttering Of Waffle Spewed Out’ or for short SOWSO.

So, for my SOWSO I would probably begin at the start of my Love Soul journey where I happily ‘Miranda’ galloped into my audition and proceeded to sing out a few lines of Coldplay’s ‘Fix You’. What had led me to this point of deciding to give the audition a go, I have no idea! You see ordinarily I’m a very self conscious non confident person, it was just a little voice in me saying just give it a go!!

After the very informal audition in which I was made to feel very welcome and at ease I had a few days wait before being told I was successful, I was over the moon and a bit taken aback.

I initially joined in Bournemouth and spent some really happy Tuesday nights singing and learning dance moves before transferring to a Monday night session in Southampton where for many weeks I felt like the ‘new girl’ again.

My time at Love Soul Choir has seen me through some massive life changes some of which have racked me to the core, bereavement being an ugly one that has reared its head more than once. I’ve carried on singing throughout my personal life experiences and can honestly say that the Love Soul family has been an incredibly supportive and caring community, the physical act of singing and learning new dance moves and having to use my brain in a totally different way, has been one of the most important things in my life and has been one of the constants that has helped me not only mentally but physically too. Singing in a choir is just brilliant for our wellbeing.

To be given the opportunity to rehearse, perform and sometimes audition (for example when Take That needed a choir for their tour) keeps the momentum up, the fire in the belly, and the new song and dance choices really keep the grey matter tested and the old bones are given a jiggle around. We always have a laugh and there is always a hug to be had from someone if needed. We have happy banter and now most of all with us all being on lockdown, we are managing to have a regular Monday night fix when Dan goes ‘live’ and tries to keep us all up to date with the newest songs and dance moves.

Lots of us have been tuning in, in the house and I’m pretty certain that partners, children and even some of the pets have got on board too! If you were thinking about an audition, if I can do it so can you!! Give it a go, come and join us at Love Soul Choir it’s a happy place to be!!

Gill Timms
(Southampton Member)

If you’d like to apply for an audition with Love Soul Choir, please visit the audition page on our website. Once you’ve sent your application to us, we’ll be in touch within a couple of days to schedule the time and place of your audition.


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