Why do we have an audition process? 🎶

April 14th, 2024

The word ‘audition’ is really scary. We get it! In fact, we’re fairly certain that if you asked any of our members whether they were scared to audition for Love Soul Choir, they’d say yes. 

Our audition process is there for a reason. But it’s not because we’re looking to find the next Whitney Houston or Stevie Wonder. Sure, it’s there to ensure that the standard of Love Soul Choir remains high. But it’s also in place to make sure that we’re welcoming really awesome, friendly people in to our team. Community is a big part of Love Soul Choir and the audition process is just one of the ways that we protect this.

Every single member of Love Soul Choir, whether they’ve been around for one year or ten, has been through the process.

How does the audition process work? 🚀

At your audition, you’ll be asked to do three things.

First, you’ll be asked by Dan (Choir Leader) to sing a verse and chorus of a song a cappella (without music). It’s entirely up to you what you choose to sing but we’d recommend picking something that you feel confident singing. 

Then, you’ll need to perform a short section of choreography. Before your audition, you’ll be sent a short movement video that you’ll need to learn. We’re not looking for perfection but we do want to ensure that you’ll be able to follow along with the choreography we learn at Love Soul Choir.

Finally, Dan will have a short, informal chat to get to know you a bit better and to see whether you are a good fit for the group. Don’t overlook the importance of this part of the audition, we’re looking for friendly people who want to work as part of our supportive team.

Dan does his best to ensure that auditions are as comfortable as possible. You can rest assured that he is not there to criticise you and is absolutely in your corner!

Preparing for your audition 🤓

We love meeting people who have come prepared for their audition! 

Booking an audition could potentially make the best decision you’ve made all year. But, if you are looking for some additional help in preparing, after you book, you’ll be given the option of accessing our ‘Pre-Audition Video Course’.

This course is made up of six videos all designed to help you with those all important audition skills. It might be a great way of helping you lower your nerves ahead of your audition.

If you’d like to apply for an audition with Love Soul Choir, please visit the audition page on our website to book a time and date that works for you. We hope to see you soon!


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