The lead up to One Sound 2018

March 14th, 2018

We’re so excited about our next performance! Each year, we’re part of ‘One Sound‘, a big choir collaboration show. We perform alongside community choir ‘Sing Now Choir‘ and workplace choir provider ‘SingForce‘. This year the show organisers are also welcoming ‘Total Voice Contemporary Choir‘, a community choir from Milford-on-Sea to the show.

On April 28th 2018, over 450 singers will be coming together at Central Hall in Southampton for the show. This is also the first year that One Sound has been themed. The theme for the 2018 show is America! The show sold out in just under a month which means we’ll be performing to an audience of 750! It’s going to be amazing.

There’s nothing better than performing but performing alongside so many others is so good for your soul. Bring it on!


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