During this prolonged period of ‘lockdown,’ pretty much everything we would normally do has stopped. People have stopped working, gyms have closed, restaurants have closed, you name it – it’s closed.
For me, and for I’m sure many others in our number, Love Soul Choir has not closed. Our leader, Dan, has worked tirelessly to take Love Soul Choir online. We’ve carried on singing together, learning new songs and just taking an hour a week to forget about everything else meaning that Love Soul Choir has remained a constant, a routine that is a real highlight of my week.
We have been recording ourselves singing new songs that we have learnt in lockdown, and Dan has been putting them together. Hearing the latest one of these, ‘Chocolate’ originally by The 1975, really made me stop and think. It made me think about what we have achieved as a group, and hearing that familiar sound of Love Soul singing together, for a moment made me forget about lockdown, about everything being closed, about any uncertainty, and made me feel at home, back in our rehearsal room or on stage, singing and dancing with a group of awesome people. That is the power of Love Soul Choir.
Whilst we may not be singing together in person, being able to share that hour a week, and be involved in creative projects, has really helped lockdown to be more bearable, and the best part of all? Knowing that once this is over, we will be back in that room, singing together again.
If you feel even for a moment that you need something to make you smile, apply to join Love Soul Choir. I promise you won’t regret it.
Jack McKinlay-Lloyd
(Southampton Member)
If you’d like to apply for an audition with Love Soul Choir, please visit the audition page on our website. Once you’ve sent your application to us, we’ll be in touch within a couple of days to schedule the time and place of your audition.