Learning ‘Dancing On My Own’ was amazing. It has to be my favourite song we sing at Love Soul Choir.
My favourite part about learning the song was sitting with my girls in the high harmony group having such a giggle. We were all trying to guess the next line of the harmony. When we learnt the song, we all stood in a circle with all four harmony groups mixed up. We then sang the song in it’s entirety. The feeling I get when I hear an amazing harmony coming from the person next to me is phenomenal!
I can’t describe the sound. It almost sounds heavenly. You can’t quite believe that such an amazing, perfect sound is coming from the people that YOU share a choir with, let alone that YOU are contributing to that awesome sound. I find myself grinning like a Cheshire Cat, when that harmony cuts through. It’s so crisp it gives me goosebumps every time.
That moment right there blows away all the worries, pains, fuzziness and stresses of life.
Lucy Hayward-John (Southampton Member)