Black History Month 2018

October 16th, 2018

There are good gigs and there are great gigs. Black History Month is the latter. For many years now, Love Soul Choir have performed as part of Southampton’s Black History Month celebrations, and it is one of the events in the calendar that I look forward to the most. The first time I saw Love Soul Choir singing live was at Black History Month in 2016, a couple of months after I’d joined the choir. The event holds a special place in my heart as it sealed what a great decision joining the choir was, and how I couldn’t wait to be up there singing alongside them.

Fast forward two years to Sunday’s performance, and it was as fantastic as ever. Lou, the Black History Month co-ordinator, spoke about how music is the one thing that ties us all together, irrespective of colour, and that it unites communities and doesn’t discriminate on any grounds. The atmosphere was amazing, with so many children (and adults!) dancing along with us, and I feel proud to be part of something that demonstrates how music and singing binds us as humans. Roll on 2019!

Joh Foster
(Southampton Member)

If you’d like to apply for an audition with Love Soul Choir, please visit the audition page on our website. Once you’ve sent your application to us, we’ll be in touch within a couple of days to schedule the time and place of your audition.


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